looking at the number of entries these past few months will tell me how busy i am.
thankfully service term(the 2nd term of my OCS) is coming to an end, but not without drama!!
2 days ago i am hit with a virus!! a very suey virus which everything goes wrong for me! i cannot believe this will happen to me (i always thought i am leading a lucky life). 7th dec i am appointed platoon sergant for me platoon. today 8TH DEC i am promoted and appointed the CADET WING COMMANDER. -_- this means i had to managed the whole of my company aka boss.
this cant be happenning!!!
service term coming to an end yet ddurning this period i am hit with 5 extras wtf!! there goes meeting up with my friends, my computer at home, beoing at girls and alot alot of stuff!!
i haven got the chance to buy my new specs(considering oakley), going shopping for clothes.....WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i tell u i am so depress for the last 2 days.
haven been liek that since years ago!!!!
some1 please talk to me!!!!!!!
if u are reading this!!!!!!!!!